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Malaysian Business Student Summit 2021
(MBSS 2021)
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Home: Publications
To serve as an interactive platform to connect Southeast Asia undergraduates with leading business organizations in order to encourage business networking.

To provide opportunities for Southeast Asia undergraduates to illustrate and discover their talents and potentials through business simulations.

To widen the horizons and perspectives of Southeast Asia undergraduates in various aspects through business simulations and insights.

To strengthen critical thinking skills among Southeast Asia undergraduates in adapting globalization and cope with current business trends.

Home: Courses

To inspire undergraduates to generate innovative and practical ideas through interaction and engagement with business experts and corporates.
To assist undergraduates from various fields in acquiring essential skills and competencies in order to integrate seamlessly into the ever-changing business world.
To provide direction for undergraduates to initiate transformative plans and actions in order to achieve their desired goals.

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